Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pretend Post-It Tuesday

Please pretend that
these little groupings
of words 
are actual Post-its.

Because I don't 
have time to 
mess with Blogger 
images this morning

Why, you ask?


yay me!

Upside of working
a regular 9 to 5 job...

A regular friggin paycheck!

Downside -
I can't work in my
jammies anymore or reach
back and scratch my butt
anytime I want to

I think in the workplace
that's a little off-putting.

That's ok though,
cause they make creams for that.

But I'm just very happy
to be regularly employed
with a company that I 
think I'm going to like
very much.

I start my new job today.

I actually should be in
the shower right now

I better go!


Ms. Understood said...

I'm So Happy For You!!!!!!! Congrats! LOL @ there's a cream for that. I've also heard there is a weekly support group called Happy Hour, LOL. Have a great day.

Savira Gupta said...

Congratulations on your new job. Have a great day!

Janet said...

Congratulations! I hope you really love the new job. Maybe there's hope for me yet!

Diminishing Lucy said...

Oooooh! Well done! More details please!

Unknown said...

Wheeeeee!!! That's awesome, well done!!

Susie said...

Yay Lori! I hope you totally love it!

(bummer about needing the cream though tee hee)

aladdinsane12 said...

that's fantastic! i hope everything went well (i'm sure it did, though). i want to hear details!

Babs said...

Congrats on the new job...I'm hoping to have one of those some day.
Has it been a while since you have worked 9-5?
Is this job going to cramp your blogging style :/ ?
Let us know the details when you are able..

Mayra said...


ohh the wonderful feeling of being in your jammies, I'm still there. =)

lol to the creams...

have a lovely week!!