It's Cookie Monster because I just confirmed I gained 6 pounds. I thought I gained a little, but was avoiding the scale and had a doc appointment today where they made me step on it. dammit.
I need to get my 6-pound-heavier-butt in gear now, I suppose.
Anyhoo, I'm getting off track because the point is that it's Friday Frag time. You know, that day when you can put all the little thoughts and odds and ends from your week that aren't enough to fill a whole post, but are worth mentioning, into one post? And that was the longest, kludgiest sentence ever.
Frag #1
My sister and I went off on our now-annual sister's trip last weekend. I'll give you the whole low-down this weekend and link to it in next week's frags, but suffice it to say, we had a grand time.
There was the usual bickering about my hot flash situation and her general unreasonableness, but several margaritas and some whiskey set it all right. At least for a little while. But that's a whole 'nother blog post.
Here's a couple pics of the beautiful scenery:
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Cedar Breaks, Utah |
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Cedar Breaks, Utah |
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Brian Head, Utah |
You see what I have to deal with?
Frag #2
We had some serious flooding in Moapa, a little town Northeast of us. A portion of Interstate 15, the main highway to and from Utah, was washed away and will be shut down for weeks while they repair it. This happened a day after we got back from Utah, fortunately. We got some rain at our house, but not bad at all. Other areas of town were completely flooded. Here's a pic of Moapa and the Interstate:
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Moapa, Nevada (Source) |
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Interstate 15, Nevada (Source) |
No lives lost, but some scared folks over there, now trying to pick up the pieces.
Frag #3
So, I signed up for a class on how to use Pinterest to generate traffic to your blog or website. (and yes, I do realize how ridiculously shallow that sounds after the aforementioned flooding. I maybe should have eased into it.)
Anyway, It's a 2 week online course and this was the first week. I had no idea I needed a strategy to really benefit from Pinterest and am astounded at how much traffic it can generate if you use it right.
Mind you, I haven't seen the astounding traffic yet, but others who are taking the class say most of their blog traffic comes from Pinterest. We'll see what happens as I apply what I learn. In the meantime, it's a fun class - I mean, how could it not be, it's Pinterest, for crying out loud.
If anyone is interested, it's offered through Melissa, over at Blog Clarity. She has lots of great tips and classes for bloggers.
Frag #4
I read a beautiful blog post this week about accepting those we love for who they are, despite addiction, mental illness, or any other ailment or issue they may have. As a parent of an addict, sometimes we get spun up about why our child is the way they are, or why they can't change, or how we could have done something different to prevent their addiction to begin with. But all of that worry is exhausting and doesn't help.
And in the end, all we can do is love them. No regret. No blame. Just love. "We get who we get and we love who we love," are the blogger's poignant words. If you'd like to read it, it's a short post by Annette at Just For Today and the link goes right to the post.
I'm so grateful that my daughter is in recovery.
Frag #5
Lastly, to end this post on a lighter note, here's a comic I made a while back. Click on the little 4 arrow thingy in the right corner to enlarge it:
Frag #6
And lastly, lastly, because I almost forgot to mention it and how ungrateful would that be...I won a blog giveaway this week!!
Airing My Dirty Laundry (and isn't that the cutest name??) had a blog giveaway for a $15 Fandango gift card and I won it! Now all I have to do is decide how to use it - girl's night or date night...hmmm.
Check out her blog if you get time, she's really funny.
So now that's it for my frags this week. Hope y'all have a great weekend! If you want to write your own Friday Frags, head on over to Half-Past Kissin' Time and link up!
Fatly yours,
I love your blog, and I just made a note to myself to remind me to come check you out more often. Like every day! :) Have a great weekend.
Great blog! Sad to see the damage from the rain.
I heard there was some flooding in AZ but I didn't know about the interstate in NV.
Please keep us updated on the Pinterest stuff. I have linked my blog to my pinterest page but I don't think it generated much traffic. I get a good bump in my traffic from FF postings. Of course a bump is noticeable when your traffic is flatlined.
All the best to your daughter and the whole family. Those things drag everyone into the mess.
Wow! Those pictures of flooding are startling! The poor house!
Congrats on winning the movie card!
That is some scary flooding. I am glad your area didn't have any. I have never been to Utah, it looks beautiful. Our son lives in Arizona, he told us he had some scary flooding in his area but his house was okay.
My husband is 25 years in recovery. I hope your daughter stays there, I will keep her in my prayers.
All I have to add in my fragmented way is
HAHAHA, wow! whoah, hmmm, the road to recovery sounds like a roller coaster and I'm glad you and your daughter seem to be at a good point. Heheh, and congrats!
What gorgeous photos! A friend vacationed in Utah this year and also posted beautiful pictures. I need a trip there. #4-so very true. Love wins.
Congrats to winning again!
Love your photos!
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